Consultant Developmental Paediatrician
Pronouns: She/Her
Locations: Virtual, Harley Street
"A holistic paediatric assessment for children and their families is the basic ingredient for an accurate diagnosis. I strongly believe that when this is paired with appropriate and early intervention, each child can achieve maximum potential. My goal is to guide families through this journey and provide wide open developmental horizons for every child."
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Developmental Coordination Disorder
Developmental Delay
Motor disorders including Cerebral Palsy
Genetics Disorders and Syndromes
Child Protection
Looked After Children
Education Health Care Medicals and Neonatal and General Paediatric Follow ups
Primary Care Paediatrics
General Developmental Assessment – including Schedule of Growing Skills, Bayleys III and Griffiths Developmental Scales
Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessment – including ADOS and ADI-R
Developmental Coordination Disorder Assessment
Medical Advice for Education
Safeguarding, Looked After and Adoption Medicals.
Detailed physical and neurological examination.
Neonatal and General Paediatric assessments/ follow ups
MBBS (Merit) Newcastle Medical School
BSc in Biology, University Of Athens, Greece
PhD Childhood Obesity and Novel Lipocytokines, University Of Athens, Greece
MRCPCH, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
Specialist Register and Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT), General Medical Council
London Paediatric Subspecialty in Developmental and Community Paediatrics (GRID)
Diploma in Neurodisability - University of Sheffield
Member of the British Association of Neurodisability (BACD)
Member of the British Association of Community Child Health (BACCH)
I am a Paediatrician with over 12 years of experience working in the hospital & health care industry of Central London Acute and Community healthcare trusts.
I studied medicine at Newcastle University and have attended the run-through paediatric specialist scheme as well as the London GRID subspecialty pathway, where I acquired the dual accreditation for General and Developmental Paediatrics. I am skilled in General, Neonatal and Developmental Paediatrics, Paediatric Neurodisability, Clinical Research and Medical Education.
In my day to day practice, I work with children with developmental delay, neurodevelopmental conditions such as Autism and Developmental Coordination Disorder (Dyspraxia), complex disabilities and developmental syndromes. I also frequently provide neonatal and general paediatric follow ups.
I am on the GMC Specialist Register for Paediatrics with Subspecialty – Community Child Health. In the NHS, I work as a Consultant Paediatrician for Central London Community Healthcare Trust (CLCH). My additional roles are Trainee Lead and soon to start as Named Doctor for Looked after Children.
I live in North London with my family, I love music and playing the piano, reading books about exciting destinations, organising fun travels and watching films and theatrical plays with friends.